Workshop in the Community

To further extend the positive impacts of urban farming to the community against the adverse challenges brought by the COVID-19 pandemic, CEDARS-GE have been collaborating with the Caritas Mok Cheung Sui Kun Community Centre at Kennedy Town to organise farming workshops for the public, especially the needy communities in the neighbourhood. The workshop aims to empower the participants with basic organic farming and food processing skills. And during the workshop, additional learning elements such as wellbeing awareness will be included.

Past Events 過往活動
Rooftop Farming Workshop

Rooftop Farm Guided Tour

Sharing by Participants
Urban Farming Workshop Under The Pandemic
Ann (Mrs. Wong) has been living in Sai Wan for over 40 years. She was scared of going out when the Pandemic situation was serious. Always staying home greatly affected her social life. Later, when she and her husband saw the recruitment of Rooftop Farming Workshop at Caritas Mok Cheung Sui Kun Community Centre, they enrolled right away as they have been longing to learn. It was surprising that learning to grow vegetables brought Ann an unexpected experience, it helped Ann to regain the motivation of going out and to reconnect with friends sharing her joy.
Life Education in the Farm
Gardening lover Cui Hua and her son Wai Shing have joined the parent-child farming workshop at the community centre. Led by the instructors from City Farm, they have gone through a complete growing cycle at the rooftop farm, from sowing seeds and transplanting, to fertilising and harvesting. Kids growing up in urban cities usually do not know where and how vegetables are produced. So if they can taste the food grown by themselves, it would give them an impactful experience about nature and life.
Growing a Happy and Sustainable Community
From organic planting, a group of retired neighbours experience the joys and challenges of planting. Delicious fruits and vegetables are not taken for granted, and the joy and sense of accomplishment of tasting their hand-grown produce is indescribable. The neighbours make friends through farming and gain happiness and satisfaction by sharing opinions and experiences. They also build a community network of lifelong learning and neighbourhood mutual support.