Urban Farming and Sustainable Living

The practice of urban farming and sustainable living goes hand-in-hand. When we practise urban farming, it is highly encouraged to incorporate sustainable elements. And in turn, we are also learning to have a more sustainable lifestyle. Together we can move towards achieving harmony with nature and build a sustainable community.
The ‘L.O.V.E.R’ model shows the connections between urban farming and sustainable living. Put your mouse over the following icons to find out more.
Be a conscious consumer, choose food that is grown/ produced locally or regionally
Locally produced or grown food generally involves lower carbon footprint generated
in transportation.
Urban farming
allows us to grow and consume local food
Reduce our reliance on imported food (e.g. growing our own herbs)
Avoiding the use of synthetic chemical fertilisers, pesticides, or other artificial chemicals.
Following nature’s schedule
- grow seasonal crops -
Do not use chemicals
No genetically-modified organism
Use renewable resources
Emphasise conservation of ecosystem
Eat seasonal vegetables
Avoid harmful chemical substances and use renewable resources as much as possible
We learn to appreciate vegetables more when we are involved in the growing process
Adopt a plant-based diet
In general, vegetables require less resources to grow compared to raising animals.
Avoid wastage of energy and make use of renewable energy.
Growing food is producing food energy!
Composting is turning waste into nutrients to support food energy production
Choosing renewable energy over non-renewable energy wherever possible
Conserving energy in our daily lives
Less is more! Consume less and enjoy nature's abundance.
Avoid excessive use of resources like fertilisers and pesticides
Make use of natural resources or upcycle waste material such as making compost
Reduce unnecessary consumption in daily life
Buying second-hand items and repairing items to extend their lifespans
Urban farming
Sustainable Living